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December 12 – 23, 2017

Title: Intuition

521 West 26th street
New York, NY 10001

Marit Geraldine Bostad, Marco Domeniconi, Muriel Hecquet, Marion Schmidtke, Annette Schreiber, Myriam Schryve, Beate Tubach, Brigitte Williams

I continue to be fascinated by the invisible dimensions which permit human beings to exist, know, create and grow. Amongst these there is intuition. Intuition is the spice of life. It gives us joy and fluidity, immediate answers which reflect our inner truth and our real needs. Indeed, when we entrust ourselves to the power of intuition, we reach our utmost self-expression and reality, even in everyday life, takes on a magic quality, colouring itself with different hues and developing with new possibilities.

Intuition is the essence of art in as much as art is life. It is a faculty we all possess, yet often goes unheeded. We can state that intuition lies at the basis of the learning process of art, direct perception without the mediation of discursive knowledge, an experience which owes more to immediate vision rather than to knowledge which stems from logic (according to a platonic tradition where ideas are visible only to the intellect). In art there are many different ways of approaching what is real. One can remain anchored to the technical traditions or let oneself be guided by intuition which confronts us with the need to explore new means of expression. To have an intuition about something is to understand immediately a concept or certain information without conscious reasoning. It is the superior self which speaks, revealing to us the truth guarded in the cosmic archive. The more we are linear and transparent, the more we are in connection with harmony and universal life; we are thus able to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong, which decisions to take and which direction to follow. Nobody can do it for us. Intuition is when the heart and the mind act in unison to perceive that such a situation or such a thing is true.

Intuition condenses time and space in a moment and forces us to concentrate and be aware of the present, of the here and now. The process of intuitive knowledge annuls all feelings of isolation, separation and of judgement replacing them with a sensation of togetherness with all creation. The creative process, the practice of art, feed on all of that. Intuition is not only a sort of bolt out of the blue, that electrifying idea which seems to come from nowhere and slots into place all the haphazard pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Even though it may have this semblance, intuition has more often to do with that part of ourselves about which we know very little. It may represent a subtle and invisible change which starts to insinuate itself into our lives, the intuitive mind is a form of intelligence which goes beyond perception and it is a sacred gift, the rational mind is a faithful servant.

To have an intuition means to understand from the inside, (from the latin in and tuitus (to look). The more one is connected with one’s soul, the more one’s intuition will be synchronised with one’s self. The heart is the driving force behind all this. We should not underestimate the fact that we live in an era in which human beings are persistently manipulated, expropriated from their feelings and that the process of awareness of one’s own infinite resources may fail there where an abnormal use of technology tends to take over from human feeling. To follow one’s intuition is an inalienable necessity for an artist and in this, intellect is of little or no use along the road of discovery. Intuition is a leap of faith that then manifests itself through the artist’s work as a task of the soul which appears loyal as concerns one’s desires.

This willingness, this appetite for life overcomes all things and is built on faith in the infinite resources which dwell in the spaces of our consciousness, which are at the basis of creativity. The exercise of intuition is an art of extreme sincerity, a forever transparent lens, which dispels all doubts, which transforms shadows and fears into love. An ethical and aesthetical act which covers itself with a term of endearment where the work of art is the result, the testimony, the living breath which consecrates this faith in the essential mission of art in its unlimited possibilities of synthesis, because art experienced as intuition is a path towards spiritual enlightenment.

Stefania Carrozzini

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